Serial Killers Examined In Detail

Most serial killers are statistically in a special group. What's the stats? Here's a rough answer.

1) 88% are male.

2) 85% are Caucasian.

3) The average age is 28.

4) Most of their victims are strangers, 62% of the time.

5) 75% daydreamed constantly about sex or killing before their first kill.

6) 70% preferred to "hunt" in a specific area.

7) Female serial killers are rare.

8) Serial killers of minority races (Asians, blacks, etc.) are rare!

Oh, by the way, I've learned that these traits are common also.

1) Bedwetting constantly as a child.

2) A desire to hurt or kill animals, especially as a youth

3) A fascination with fire, matches, or arson.

Please mothers, if your child is doing these things don't think the worse. These were questions asked of serial killers about their young lives and the answers they gave. If your child does one or all of these things, there could be other reasons. Seek professional medical advice if concerned.

Serial killers come in all shapes and forms. Here are the convictions:

Ed Gein (really sick), Ted Bundy (was very intelligent), Jeffery Dahmer (ate some of his victims) John Wayne Gacy (buried many underneath his home) David Berkowitz (son of sam killer in New York) Henry Lee Lucas, Richard Ramirez (zodiac killer) Andrei Chikatico, Albert Fish, Peter Kurten, Wayne Williams (a rare black serial killer), Gary Ridgeway (green river killer) Albert DeSalvo, and Dennis Rader (the BTK killer).

That's just some of the known serial killers. Many serial killers are still walking around free in my opinion. They could be your next-door neighbors, your soccer coach, your boss at work, or anyone. They are able to elude law enforcement because they "fit" in. They are virtually impossible to detect!

And if you think the thought of serial killers roaming the United States wasn't enough, check this out. There are web sites that want to speak to serial killers. In other words, there are sites that encouraged serial killers to contact them and tell them about their "exploits" (their killings). You think I'm lying. Let me give you one, it's public. Google Frances Farmers Revenge. That's not enough? Want to know what serial killer you are most like if you decided to become a serial killer? Google "what serial killer are you most like". This site will compare you and your personality answers with serial killers. Bet you didn't know these sites exist huh? I won't begin to tell you of some sites that actually instruct one how to become a killer!

Folks, I've told you that we live in dangerous times! In my opinion, in the last 30 days or so, you probably met, walked by, spoked to, or in some way passed a serial killer. I'm convinced that hundreds are roaming our streets. Matter of fact, I wouldn't be surprised if at least one of my emails today wasn't from a serial killer!

What can you do to protect yourself?

1) I know serial killers prefer lone victims.

2) I know they want their victims away from people, in some desolated area.

3) I know that the serial killer's main motive is usually connected to sex or some perverted thoughts about sex.

4) I know that if trapped, captured, or in any way kept as a hostage by anyone, it's probably a person who killed before and I must do all that I can to escape!

I don't wish that anyone finds themselves in this position. I"m a male and believe me, as I walked the streets or during darkness, I watch my back. I especially admonish all females to be very careful.

Now that you have an inkling of what their patterns, appearances, and statistical information is let me say this... still trust no one! Why? A serial killer can break the pattern at any time, normally or by design.

Read my book called COP OUT and learn many more things.

This author submits professional articles to His articles inform citizens about how to handle different situations when confronted by the police. He is a former award-winning police officer. He is also a master in wilderness survival. He studied criminal law at Loyola University in New Orleans, Louisiana.

In addition, Mr. Davis has been a featured guest on many television shows detailing how to detect rogue police officers as well as your defense against such officers. This author is working with Author Stephen Peach, the award-winning ex swat police officer from California. Mr. Peach is the author of "Friendly fire, good, bad, corrupt cops". He is also working with Mr. Mike Madigan, author of "Twisted Badge". These two authors have also dedicated their lives to exposing rogue cops. Proceeds from his book COP OUT are donated to various charities.

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