Serial Killer Police Units?

This article might sound sterile or cold but as you continue to read it I'm sure most of you will understand. I have received many emails and letters in the past few days supporting my premise that the federal government, in conjunction with the states, should form a special federal task force or search organization with one purpose... to locate dead bodies discarded by serial killers or any type of killers.This organization should search national parks, state parks, rural areas, wooded areas adjacent to interstate highways and any place where a body might be "dumped".

It's a fact serial killers love to "discard" victims in rural or hard to reach areas. It's the logical choice. I've been saying this for years but I know the government won't listen to "just" me. But they might listen to "us".

Therefore, I'm asking all of my supporters and readers to email the United States Justice Department in Washington, D.C. and ask them to consider this option. This department is the only agency that is capable of quickly enacting and establishing such an agency. It will only take a little of your time. Who know's, you might solve an old crime or even save a life!

It's been a fact that serial killers love secrecy and desolation. They want to kill their victims without being noticed but more importantly to "get rid" of the bodies to conceal their involvement. In the last 20 years there have been an increase in serial killer arrests.

Think about this carefully. As you venture outside or even lurking near your home is a person that will kill you for sex, money, or some other weird reason. Many of us won't attempt to do anything until it hits home. Please, do something before that happens. And if by chance you reside in a rural area, please be careful.

But let me also say this. I feel that ultimately, as the years go by and more missing persons are reported, the government will eventually realized this search organization must be instituted and will eventually realized the impact of serial killers on our society. In essence, serial killers are a new threat!

Watch your backs and trust no one, period!

This author submits professional articles to EzineArticles. His articles informs citizens about how to handle different situations when confronted by the police. He is a former award winning police officer. He is also a master in wilderness survival. He studied criminal law at Loyola University in New Orleans, Louisiana.

In addition, Mr. Davis has been a featured guest on many television shows detailing how to detect rogue police officers as well as your defense against such officers. This author is working with Author Stephen Peach, the award winning ex swat police officer from California. Mr. Peach is the author of "Friendly fire, good, bad, corrupt cops". He is also working with Mr. Mike Madigan, author of "Twisted Badge". These two authors have also dedicated their lives to exposing rogue cops. Proceeds from his book COP OUT are donated to various charities.

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